
So called “New Malaysia”

“New Malaysia” ? No Mr Anwar, it’s still the same Old Malaysia. Nothing much has changed except a few faces from a few new parties but the old attitudes of race and religion remain. Please stop wasting time charging the corrupt. Just find them not guilty and let them go. I don’t think the government would have the testicular might to punish them in the face of the expected protests from the privileged section of Malaysia. Stop the pretence, glorify and protect what you want to protect, pamper who you want to pamper but please don’t use the word “new”. It’s all a sham. Just carry on like before and just leave the discriminated alone. They can take care of themselves as they have done over the last 60+ years. Stop playing with words. When the majority have all the special privileges it is no longer “affirmative” action, it is discrimination against the minority. The admission that the majority still needs pampering after 60+ years reveals a major inherent problem in the community that needs drastic action that the new government is unable to or unprepared to implement due to an inherent us-verses-them mentality. 
Malaysia will still move forward with the lame government but it will be slower and the good but disappointed people will still leave. Please stop the pretence of asking Malaysians overseas to return so that they can be discriminated again. The calling is insincere and the perceptive aren’t masochistic.
Mollycoddling a people can only lead to a dependent character devoid of drive and ambition and a life of blissful ignorance.
Sorry Malaysia, your leaders have chosen the easy way out to remain in power. In so doing they have re-screwed the country to kingdom come.
Will corruption return ? Just wait and see, only time will tell.
