
Billion Dollar Whale

Read this book, and you know that you are reading something that is backed up by solid evidence. 

The lawyers have gone through every single word. At the end of the book, they thank the five - yes, five - lawyers who checked their manuscript.

After reading this book, you will reach a number of conclusions:

One, Jho Low must be brought to justice, whether in Malaysia or the United States. 

Two, both Najib and Rosmah clearly should also face the justice of the Malaysian people.
Plus there are so many other people in Malaysia and around the world who were complicit in allowing this crime against the Malaysian people. 
Najib's and Rosmah's and all of the cronies' complicity is beyond doubt. Not just for defrauding the Malaysian people, but for staining the nation's reputation around the world.

Three, as an American, I am both sad and proud. Sad that some Wall Street banks and law firms were so greedy - more concerned about their fees and profits than ethics and the law. They aided and abetted Jho Low, in exchange for money.
But I also am so proud that in the end, it was the lowly-paid bureaucrats in in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and Justice Department here in Washington DC who helped bring the whole thing tumbling down and gave credence to the reporting of people like Wright and Hope.
All in all, ‘Billion Dollar Whale’ is a whale of a tale.
美国驻马来西亚前大使约翰马洛John Malott指出,他在阅读了《鲸吞亿万》这本书后,才知道一个马来西亚发展有限公司(1MDB)弊案内情比想象中还严重。


