
这个帖子,写的真好,您看了之后会哈哈大笑。《 “光” 的感悟》。 年轻 ❗️为国❗️ 争光 老来 ❗️共度❗️ 时光 心态 ❗️务必❗️ 阳光 日子 ❗️一定❗️ 闪光想想 ❗️来时❗️ 光光 去时 ❗️一片❗️ 火光 何不 ❗️旅游❗️ 观光 换得 ❗️满面❗️ 红光眼下 ❗️不再❗️ 荣光 就让 ❗️往事❗️ 忘光 告别 ❗️昔日❗️ 风光 珍惜 ❗️当下❗️ 晨光笑迎 ❗️明日❗️ 曙光 寸金 ❗️难买❗️ 时光 享受 ❗️余下❗️ 亮光 欢度 ❗️老年❗️ 银光人生 ❗️犹如❗️ 星光 蜡烛 ❗️总要❗️ 烧光 追求 ❗️快乐❗️ 之光 绽放 ❗️晚年❗️ 余光 *当年,**以为* :2000 年 *很遥远 ;**如今* :2000 年 *已过去* 23年了; *曾经以为* :2020 年 *会很遥远,*当下 *发现:** 已经到了2023年6月了!*曾经以为* :“老去” *也是* 很遥远的事, 现在 *觉得:*“年轻” *是很久* 以前的事了 … … 时光 *太不经用,**现在* 大半生 *已经过去了。**不要说*来日方长,余生 *真的是* 难能可贵! 好好 *珍惜* 现在,注意 *保重* 身体。乐乐呵呵 *过好* 每一天。 献给家人、老友、同学、朋友!2023年6月10日



今年5月9日破舯舡(Tongkang Pechah)老同乡,居銮前文艺协会会长小双,许福昌校长送我一本文集《飞鸿雪泥》竟然是我当年2002年退休前的同一出版社。正巧我也打算再出版第四本书——《从破舯舡到四湾岛》(Dari Tongkang Pechah ke Sungai Rengit)。

我在5月份就将旧文稿整理了交由文艺服务社复印,再写作者简介与后记,再5月24日通过J&T递送到马六甲BEST PROVE SERVICES SDN BHDP排版与印刷,期盼今年可以顺利出版。

其实,我的前两本书就联系马六甲BATU BERENDAM 的PONY PRINTS(M),可是事与愿违,没人接听电话,我只好退其次,在报界好友的介绍下找人负责排版,然后交给友春印刷厂。

来到马六甲先到印刷厂看看,出乎意料,厂址招牌从PONY PRINTS变成BEST PROVE.我用WHATSAPP联络吴老板,与他见面寒暄聊了起来。真是机缘巧合,我在工厂附件竟然看到两辆SNOW ICE的货车。货车上明显记载制冰厂就在破舯舡TONGKANG PECHAH,正是我梦寐以求的故乡,而公司的东主竟然是目前与我相同住宅区的沈木林先生,你说机遇巧不巧?

大陸高考,滿分作文出來了,震撼13億人。。。。。。當下社會現狀,被一個高中畢業生破解了:滿分作文出爐,看了感觸真深刻。800字的文章表達的如此完美:格局大、立意高,十八歲的孩子那麼懂事!能寫出如此霸氣的作文,不得不讓我們佩服!《說尺子》從100分到98分,挨一頓揍;從55分到61分,得一個吻。這看似荒誕不經的故事,卻常常發生在我們身邊,許多人看來,前者退步了挨揍是天經地義,後者進步了得吻是理所當然。我們常說,要一把尺子量到底。在現實生活中,應當說尺子是最公平的,但拿在不同人的手裡,去度量不同的人,就會出現不同的結果。我們習慣了媽媽在廚房中的忙碌,一日三餐總是準時吃到可口的飯菜,可當有一天,我們回家面對著幹鍋冷灶的時候,卻首先想到的是無飯可吃,沮喪之餘,面露慍色,甚至開口責備,完全忽略了她累了病了,撐不住了,連燒口開水的力氣也沒有了;而我們的爸爸偶爾下一次廚房,煮一碗面,卻能讓一家人感到萬分知足。慣性,使我們的尺子變得富有彈性,卻無法丈量出愛的深遠。每個單位都良莠不齊,有幹的有看的,也有搗亂的,總有一些禿子混在和尚之中濫竽充數。奇怪的是幹的永遠在幹,看的一直在看,而幹得越多失誤也越多,得到的批評也越多,而那些看客,偶爾偷機取巧做做樣子,就會名利雙收。甚至那些搗亂的,變得乖巧一些,就會讓領導和一席眾人皆大歡喜,心滿意足。惰性,使我們的尺子帶了偏見,就再也無法凝聚眾人的力量。大家還記得北方小城那位舍粥的大嫂嗎?每到冬天她就半夜起來,熬上滿滿的三鍋熱粥,免費送給寒風中瑟縮的清潔工、窮苦人和乞丐,數年如一日,不曾間斷。而當有一天,一位老漢從中吃出了一粒沙子,頓時將一碗熱粥潑在大嫂的身上,而領粥的人,也瞬間劃分為兩大陣營:有人說老漢不該撒野,也有人指責大嫂不該摻沙子。薄情,讓我們的尺子扭曲,冷了多少善良的心。 開縣一輛滿載了19名乘客的中巴,突遇險情,一頭栽進深達五米的水塘。當地村民金有樹跳進冰冷刺骨的水中,砸開車窗將19名乘客全部救出,自己卻因長時間冷水的浸泡患上肺病,舉債治療數月,告借無門,不得不離開醫院,病死家中。19名倖存者無一人去醫院探視,更無人為他送行。金有樹臨死前寫下一封信,第一句話就是:“我救了19人的命,現在誰來救我的命。”冷漠,讓我們的尺子訇然寸斷,留下無盡的遺憾。每個人心裡都有一把尺子。我們用它來衡量別人,更要時常度量自己。


Why Hadi is the face of Malaysia’s future Part 3: Can Anwar save Malaysia?Dennis Ignatius - 15 Jun 2023https://tinyurl.com/484d7u3rMany – especially non-Muslims – are now looking to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to stem the advance of political Islam and preserve Malaysia as a secular multicultural democracy. I suspect that they are going to be very disappointed.Anwar rose to national prominence as an Islamist. Along with Hadi Awang, he cut his teeth in ABIM, the Muslim youth movement, of which he was a founding member as well as its second president. Anwar was subsequently recruited by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to shore up UMNO’s Islamic credentials as a counterweight to PAS. With Dr Mahathir’s full support, Anwar set about to Islamise the government along with the education sector. His policies directly contributed to the rapid rise of political Islam in Malaysia.Since coming to power, Anwar has attempted to hunt with the hounds and run with the hares; playing up his commitment to secular multiculturalism while deepening his ties with Islamists. He has organized several large Islamic events to burnish his Islamic credentials. He has also sought to win over the Islamic bureaucracy with a range of financial incentives and support for initiatives like RUU355. As well, Anwar seems intent on expanding the role and powers of JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development) in the affairs of government. In May, it was announced that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) would collaborate with JAKIM to censor material deemed offensive or deviant.[1]His latest move – inviting JAKIM to play a bigger role in policy-making, drafting the national budget and national development plans and reforming national and governmental institutions[2] – is the most ominous sign thus far of where he is headed. It will entrench the mullahs at the heart of government and put them in a position to influence the entire machinery of government and the policies that ensue from it. It might well lead to a burgeoning of the Islamic bureaucracy, perhaps even the creation of a parallel religious civil service.This is actually what PAS has been pushing for. In 2020, PAS Dewan Ulama chief Nik Zawawi called for Syariah advisers – political commissars really – to be embedded in every government agency “to ensure that Islam’s position as the national religion was upheld when carrying out policies”.[3]Anwar’s actions have effectively redefined the Federal Constitution by giving religious authorities like JAKIM powers that the framers of the constitution never intended. Many including Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah[4] and G25[5] have argued that JAKIM itself is an unconstitutional body but that has not stopped it from becoming the behemoth that it is today.It is the most significant step ever taken by a prime minister to empower the Islamic bureaucracy and should put to rest the issue of what Anwar’s priorities are. There’s a danger now that JAKIM’s influence on national policy could even eclipse that of the Malay rulers.In retrospect, one wonders whether all the talk about reformasi while he was in the wilderness and needed the support of a plurality of Malaysians was all just an elaborate public relations exercise. Tellingly, all the ‘reformasi’ stalwarts within Anwar’s multiracial party – once passionate advocates of the nation’s secular constitutional democracy – have suddenly gone silent as their president leads Malaysia further down the road to an Islamic state.In the meantime, Anwar continues to criss-cross the country preaching about respect, tolerance and inclusiveness. But it may be all just a charade, a clever move to keep non-Muslims on his side while pushing ahead with his Islamic agenda. Despite his stirring speeches on tolerance and inclusion, he has done very little by way of actual policies to advance these goals. National unity and inclusiveness, for example, cannot be sustained without a more balanced civil service; something which Anwar has already ruled out for fear of upsetting the Islamists and Malay nationalists who see the civil service as their exclusive domain. Even if Anwar genuinely wanted to rebuild Malaysia’s secular foundations, he does not appear to have the political strength, patience or the skill-set that is needed to oversee the kind of vast institutional transformation that can counter the rising tide of political Islam. Being the populist that he is, he’ll just go with the flow. Whatever it is, one thing is certain: Malaysia is quickly coming to an inflection point. Islamists have ploughed the ground well; Hadi’s version of an Islamic state will soon enough become Malaysia’s new political reality. Tengku Abdul Rahman’s “beacon of light”[6] is about to go out.


Fact of life!Nice article: 简、明、真、准 … 很到位 ###If you have a crack in your house, the U.S. will crowbar it into a gaping hole.If you have a quarrel with your partner, the U.S. will turn it into a divorce.If you have a dispute with your neighbour, the U.S. will turn it into a lawsuit.*Division is how U.S. rules the world*.The U.S. goes around the neighbourhood setting fire to properties.He then comes around and offer to put out the fires for a fee.If your American-made jets & submarines can't fly or sail without U.S. approval, then they're effectively not yours.You're simply hosting U.S. hardware in your country... and paying handsomely for the privilege!Worst, you'll be defenceless if the U.S. turns against you.The U.S. has appointed itself as the world's "police".*If the U.S. wants to overtake, you must give way*.*If the U.S. knocks on your door, you must open or risk it being kicked down*.*The U.S. also has the right to confiscate your wealth & use violence if you resist*.The *U.S. believes it has the exclusive right to do anything to anyone because “we’re the good guys*”.You can know U.S. policy towards any country by how Western media refers to them:Any government the U.S. doesn’t like is called a “regime”.Any leader the U.S. wants to coup is called a “dictator”.Any country the U.S. wants to overthrow is called an “autocracy”.Democracy is defined as a government of the masses, by the masses & FOR the masses.That does not sound like the USA.Or the West.The British Empire never went away.London simply passed the reigns to eldest son Washington.Anglo-Saxon imperialism is a family business.The U.S. protects its allies from 3 categories of threat:1. Enemies created by the U.S.2. Enemies that arose from U.S. actions 3. The U.S. itselfLeaders of small, developing countries live in constant fear of being:- sanctioned by the U.S. - regime-changed by the U.S. - bombed by the U.S. To mitigate the risks, they usually do 3 things:- ally with the U.S. - buy U.S. weapons- allow U.S. bases & troopsThere is not a single communist-governed / socialist country in the world that the U.S. hasn’t attempted to invade, overthrow or sanction.The *U.S. will threaten, sanction & force the rest of the world to isolate a country it doesn't like*.And when the people become impoverished, the U.S. will turn around & claim it's because the country is run by a "regime" that oppresses its own people.The *U.S. tends to bring "democracy, freedom & human rights" to resource rich countries that defy it*.The U.S. has a habit of projecting its own intentions & actions on its adversaries.Therefore you can infer U.S. policy & even intent from what it accuses another country of.Being a U.S. ally is like joining a gang.Once you're in, you can't leave.Or to be more precise...Once the U.S. military is on your soil, they won't leave... even if you ask them to.*The U.S. does not have allies. It only has henchmen & hostages*.Those who join the U.S. in its foreign wars are henchmen.Those who host U.S. military personnel or bases are hostages.A U.S. "ally" can be both at the same time. But they won't be allowed to be neither again.The U.S. Congress would pass a law unilaterally in America… and then attempts to enforce it on the rest of the world.Such is American hubris & exceptionalism.Is your defence strategy based around having U.S. presence on your soil?Do you rely on the U.S. to defend you?If your answer is yes to either, then you have put your testicles in U.S. hands.You need to free yourself from being America's hostage ASAP.What do *Hollywood superheroes and the U.S. military have in common*?*They have a callous indifference to civilian lives and collateral damage*.



    我们只能到美佳开心园吃早餐,小芯要巧克力威化饼,大萱照旧吃roti pratha.


The Second Vulture



he 1990s, there was a widely circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a starving little girl to die and feast on her corpse. That photo was taken during the 1993/94 famine in Sudan by Kevin Carter, a South African photojournalist, who later won the Pulitzer Prize for this 'amazing shot'. 


However, as Kevin Carter was savoring his feet and being celebrated on major news channels and networks worldwide for such an 'exceptional photographic skill', he lived just for a few months to enjoy his supposed achievement and fame, as he later got depressed and took his own life! 

  In t

Kevin Carter's depression started, when during one of such interviews (a phone-in programmed), someone called in and asked him what happened to the little girl. He simply replied, "I didn't wait to find out after this shot, as I had a flight to catch..." Then the caller said, "I put it to you that there were two vultures on that day. One had a camera." 


Thus, his constant thought of that statement later led to depression and he ultimately committed suicide. Kevin Carter could have still been alive today and even much more famous, if he had just picked that little girl up and taken her to the United Nations Feeding Center, where she was attempting to reach or at least take her to somewhere safe. 


Today, regrettably, this is what is happening all around the world. The world celebrates stupidity and inhumane acts at the detriment of others. Kevin Carter should have taken the girl away from that place, which would cost him nothing, yet he didn't. Here is the inhuman posture, "he had all the time to take his shot, but he had no time to save the girl's life." 


Thus, we must all understand that the purpose of life is to also touch lives. So are you too a Vulture. In whatever we do, let humanity come first before what we stand to gain out of the situation. In all we do, let's always think of others and how we can be of benefit to humanity, how we can lend a helping hand and wipe away tears. Hence, when we seek knowledge, wealth, fame, skills, or even positions, let's think of how we can use it to benefit the people and society at large. 


Today, there is a lot of poverty in the land, so if God Almighty has blessed you, be a blessing to others, extend a helping hand to those in need. Remember, your giving is also a way of appreciating Divine Blessings, Bounties, and Favours of God Almighty upon you. Therefore, it is very important that we should always help the poor and needy, the orphans, widows, and weak amongst us. Please don't be a Kevin Carter, be human and think humanity. 


Beware, we humans are not humans if we lack humaneness in all we do. 


Preschool fun with audio activities

My granddaughter Xin is 5 years old now. She attends Dawning Kindergarten 2 years ago. She is active and smart.

Today I try to persuade Xin to an audio fun teaching,which I presume as a interesting and interactive method teaching.

I give her a preschool fun activities RHYMES and she can read and even sing along.
After that I persuade her to watch Do Re Mi video clip with Julie Andrew playing guitar and sing along with the children. She really likes the sound of music and movie actions.

After that she intends to finish all the activities in the book including complete the alphabet series, fill in the blank, colour the small letters to spell the specific words,join the dots by connecting the numbers in ascending sequence to reveal the pictures etc.














