Hi, Dr. Kee,
I've a question to consult you.
Cat and dog are long overdue enimies, how to make them living together in harmony?
How to communcate with cat with the presence of third party, the dog?
Apparently, can we ?
From their body-languages, it seems that they'll always enter into rivalry when they meet. Whenever I want to feed the cat, Reno surely will follow behind, and pounce on Weiwei. Weiwei narrow escapes by jumping up onto the wardrobe. Reno quickly eats cat's food, and finish all the water too. Is it a sign of jealousy? That's my interpretation. Is that correct?
Without the presence of Reno,Weiwei always shows his relaxed look of being safe in his own territory whenever I visit him.Maybe, cats communicate a dozen feelings by adjusting the pitch, timbre and length of a plain meow.
In addition, he purrs,hisses,growls,chirrups,chatters,snorts,grumbles,snarls and yowls. A variety of actions and movements that we can hardly understand.
Dr.Kee 's reply as follows:
Oh.. I am glad u are interested to know... and I am ever ready to share what i know and hopefully, i will be abe to answer to ur question..Basically dogs and cats are very different by nature. For example dog evolve fr wolf and they live in packs, that is why they actually regard us as bigger dogs, while cats on the other hand are solitary animal, meaning they are able to live alone. Dog naturally socializes with other being by sniffing the smell, going near each other and they will try to figure out at what position he is in the group. I guess, with reno he knows he rank the lowest in our family, but when wei wei comes, he is curious to know wei wei, and he is too forward, while wei wei need longer time to observe him bfr he will actually decide to get nearer to him. Say if rena can remain quiet and calm when wei wei is around him they should be able to get along.. jus i think it is very hard.. cats when felt treatened will show various body languages as in form a hump (like camel), raise their fur in order to make themselves look bigger in size and not forgeting make loud noises..that's all for now.......