When all the money you saved for years for your children's college education just about covers the first semester
You know you're over 50
When you are absolutely positive they build stairs steeper these days
You know you're over 50
When your arms aren't long enough to hold your reading material
You know you're over 50
When you keep forgetting
No matter how many diaries,appointment books or calendars you have,
you still forget
You know you're over 50
When you start believing the ads for hemorrhoid,constipation,and hair loss remedies
You know you're over 50
When you sit down to put on your underwear
The younger guys in the locker rooms have colored shorts but yours are all white
You know you're over 50
When instead of combing your hair you start arranging it
There is more hair on your chest than on your head
You know you're over 50
When you don't always wake up "aroused" like you used to every day
You know you're over 50
When you finally smart enough to hire a kid to mow your lawn
You know you're over 50
When you eat less and less and yet you still continue to gain weight
You know you're over 50
When you start dressing for comfort rather than blindly following the latest fashions
You know you're over 50
When 55 mph seems a very reasonable and safe speed to travel at
You kow you're over 50
When people you used to hold in awe like doctors,policemen,and clergymen are now younger than you
You know you're over 50
When you don't care where your wife goes when she goes out,
as long as you don't have to go with her
You know you're over 50
When you add "GOD WILLING" to the end of most of you statements.